Whole school
Experiment write up - Assessment criteria
Students to have a laminated copy of this while completing an experiment write up.
Could be used alongside the peer assessment sheet where students can rpovide formative feedback to each other and areas for improvement.
How to Revise Science
PowerPoint/Google Slideshow covering
What is revision?
why revise?
The brian
How to revise - time management
- how to prioritse
- Revision techniques
- suggested websites/apps/podcasts etc
- least effective methods
Great starting point for any year group on where to begin with their revision.
Experiment Write up support
Assessment criteria/ checklist specific to experiment write ups
Peer assessment sheets to use alongside. Pupils can then give specific WWW and EBI points.
Practical investigation - Peer assessment sheet
Could be printed out on coloured paper to stick into student books
Word Blends Literacy Mat (Phonics)
based on the Nessy programme
Pupil Passport Template and examples
This is a pupil passport template including anonymised completed examples.
Ideal for SEN students.
If completed alongside the student it is far more effective and becomes person centered as set out in the SEND code of practice.
Sections include:
I would like you to know that...
I find it difficult to....
It would help me if you could....
I started off using these with my SEN students, however, now most students in my school have these and take control of these passports - very powerful tool.
Assess, Plan, Do, Review - proforma
This form can be used to facilitate meetings with parents, set targets for students and review previous targets set.
As outlined in the new SEND code of practice, this process has to take place 3 times a year for SEND students - this form evidences and tracks the whole cycle.
Learning Walk Proforma - TA/SEND
A Learning walk proforma designed specifically to focus on SEND and TAs in the classroom.
Designed to make the process much more efficient and allows for feedback to be given to TA in a timely fashion - including good practice seen.
Feedback forms (staff)
Ideal to use together information on students for meetings with parents. Staff are also able to complete to report concerns on a student to the SENCO/HOY/DoL/AH
SENCO Toolkit
Assess, Plan, Do, Review Cycle
Focused feedback forms x 3
Intervention tiers
Pupil Passports template
Student support booklet template
Learning Walk proforma
Student observation sheet